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You have elected to attend traffic school for citation
If you DO NOT wish to attend driving school, click the Cancel button, and select NO as the response to "Attend Traffic School?".
Print Affidavit
I elect under FS318.14(9) to attend a Florida-approved Basic Driver Improvement (BDI). I understand points will be withheld on my Florida license. I hereby swear, as of this date, I have not made this election in the past twelve months, nor have I done so more than five times in my life. I understand that I must provide proof of course completion to the Clerk's Office in the county where the citation was issued within days. I understand that failure to comply within 60 days of this date will require the Court to suspend my driving privileges for non-compliance.
I elect under FS 318.14(9) to attend a Florida-approved Basic Driver Improvement (BDI). I understand points will be withheld on my Florida license. I hereby swear as of this date, I have not made this election in the past 12 months, nor have I done so more than five times in my life. I understand that I must provide proof of completion of the course to the Clerks Office in the county where the citation was issued within days. I understand that non-compliance with the above requirements will result in:
Once school election is made and paid for, you may not change your mind without contacting the Clerk's Office and paying additional fees. I am responsible to enroll myself in a Florida approved Defensive Driving School. For schools located in your area, please refer to the yellow pages of the phone book under Driving Instruction or Traffic School.
Date Issued:
Date affidavit accepted (today's date):03/28/2025
Completion Due Date:03/28/2025
Citation #:
Tag #:
You have the option to attend traffic school once per year or five times in your lifetime if you DO NOT have a commercial license (CDL). To verify your eligibility to attend traffic school, follow this link click here and enter your driver's license number. If you are eligible and would like to attend, click the Cancel button, and select YES as the response to "Attend Traffic School?".
If you are NOT eligible or DO NOT want to attend driving school, select the checkbox below, declining this option. If you DO want to attend driving school, click the CANCEL button, and select YES to "Attend Traffic School?".
You have chosen NOT to attend Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) School. By choosing not to take the class, full points may be assessed on your license.